Thursday 18 July 2013

R.I.P Talia, Weirdly Leveling Up & Aweshum Friends.

                          Hullowh Everyone Its Mwah SugarBerry back again! Did yhu miss mah?.. Ofcourse yhu did :O Well I am back with some upsetting new's and then aweshum news! >.< Well as its always said "tell me the bad news first" Your wish is my command! POOF 

               R.I.P Talia:
I dunno if you heard but a sweet courageos girl had passed away :'c If you dont know her or how she looks your in good hands because I have some pictures to show :(

 Look at how beautiful she is:      

May she rest in peace :'(

      This is girl was a sweet,inspiring girl who was a big inspiration to young girl growing up and even women! While I was on msp looking at random art books like I always do I came around to this.. I felt so upset when I read it but then I said to myself she's gone up to a way better place and im sure she will enjoy there :D 
Heres the arty I came across :)

                   **click to enlaaaarggge** xD

            Now onto some un-upsetting news :D

                                                  Weirdly Level up:
Right so I leveled up to level 6.. 3 days ago.. This freaked me out.. a bit:  


3 days later :

Does this ever happen to anyone? if it does message me on msp  
                            ! SugarBerry !
:) Well time to move onto the next subject ! !

                Aweshum Freinds!
Today was really cool I got 5,000 sc and 35 diamonds :)
I gave a greeting to ! BooBecca ! and !! Jonny By !! *add them* Here are some really nice things they said to me :D

So nice to me :)

She's soo nice =O

           Nearly finished dont leave :'(
And Jonny, I gave him one too he was my ex but he's still super nice! :D

I think I do you've been nice to me even
though we broke up ;)

                Well thats it for today, it was a long blog ikr?
Thats cause there was alot to show :)
I will update mwah blog tomorrow :D

           Bai x


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