Wednesday 24 July 2013

Poo People, Gifts and greetings & Copy cats

Whats up guys & girls? Yeah I am sorry I did not post on Friday. Was too busy.. painting my room! :) Well ive got some smelly news and funny stuff to show you! Shall we move onto this smelly news? Yes or No?... I dont care ;) In my words Leggo! =3

Okaaay? o.O 
So I was in the chat room ((cafe)) and I came across this squishy moviestar ;)
His name was: I love my poo o.o 
As you can see his moviestar explains it all ;O
I was laughing my head off when I read his status :p
What the fudge?
 And then to see he has a GIRL FRIEND! I can almost imagine what her name would be o.o

Yup ^^^ I dont want to type her name incase I get sick all over the keyboard -.-
Anyways next subject ;3



So yesterday I was skyping my best friend. I wont tell you my user name for personal reasons so when I was skyping her I was giving her all of her wishlist a jumper and ear-rings xD So then she wanted to give me a whishy too. Then I was randomly looking through the options: received & given :p Omg to see how many times I gave ! BooBecca ! stuff was like :O

*Click to enlaaaarrrgggggeeeeee* =3

And theres more :) but equally we both gave the same amount of gifts to eachother after all we are best friends =)
Now unto how much greeting's I have o.o

And for those of you's that think I clicked on it twice I did not so heres PROOF I did not click on it twice to double it -.-

.-. Can you see? And theres more to the right but I just wanna show u the first page..
I wouldn't say i have alot of greetings but its a decent amount :p Right last but never least subject.

Right so I was on msp obvo -.- And this girl named xX SugarBerry xX ahem SUGAR BERRY! Messaged me for an auto! She copied my name xc Turns out it was my other best friend. But still she has no right to copy my name just cuz of any reason she has I was so mad at her for copying my name especially cuz she's my BEST FRIEND! :'( I blocked her .-. Yup blocked her. Its not her first time copying names ;o 
.. Really?!

 Right thats all for today I hoped you liked it once again it was long .-. Have to go clean my room >:( 

                       Bai x

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