Wednesday 17 July 2013

New Msp Blog!


                               Hullowh my lil marshmellow's :O
Well this is my new msp blog, Yeah so I will just be posting some msp stuff and some weird stuff of msp on here c: I really hope you like this blog and yeah thats mwah moviestar up there ^^^ Ugly right? :L So I basically post new stuff on msp every wednesday,thursday and friday :) I wuv you's <3 Lets introduce my msp life/people and stuff like that. :)

             Random pictures of mwah and mwah friends on msp:)



this is one of my besties shes really nice
and shes aweshum >3< She vip, and to admit
on msp she is quiet rich =3  

                                                                      Here are the pics of my besties:

this is my other bestie i love her to
bits like =O  she loves zombies and
shes really fast at reading c:
No wonder shes really smart :O

and theres me.. ready to do the fire animation :o
epic fail xD  but yea thats me =3

  Those are just a few pictures, now while I was taking those pics I noticed a few things about being a vip *not trying to brag or anything* but does this  happen to  non-vips or just its just vips.. lemme show you a piccy xD

sorry I need to ask does this happen to non-vips that you have so many friends you have to scroll down if you have to many -.-
This is neggative side of being a vip.. TOO many friends :L

  And omg, The amount of people that come on like I got a headache.. Like every few mins.. "ding..."ding...."ding.. like wdf? >.>

And theres actually more but you cant see them until you invite them ^^ 

         Before I end this post theres one more thing I wanna show you, ! boobecca ! the pic I showed you.. yea she has a msp bloggy to please go check it out, it would mean alot to her C:
heres how it looks like incase ya get lost and read the wrong blog xc   

Thats how it looks like so her website is:
Please visit it =)

         well it looks like I have to go have something to eat, I will update my blog tomorrow <3

         Bai x

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